2 Key Mapping Components for On-Target Farm Recs

Published on
15 Jul 2021
Agronomists take a variety of paths to create the best recommendations for their farm clients. What sets your ag retail business apart may lie in your mapping software. Using mapping with integrated crop scouting capabilities and well-developed reporting tools will give your business the extra edge.
Integrated Scouting
First, create the most accurate and up-to-date field maps with integrated crop scouting data. Lynn Owens, Product Manager at SSI says, “the integrated scouting capabilities really set Agvance Mapping above the rest.” The companion mobile app provides an easy portal for crop scouts to draw boundaries on a mobile tablet with their finger or drive the border of a field with an open GIS tool. The on-location scout selects crops, disease, pests, soil, and other conditions from an intuitive drop-down menu right from a tablet.
Owens further explains that with Agvance Mapping, the data collected by the crop scout is available to the agronomist in the office right away. With integrated scouting, you do not wait until the end of the day or week for your scouting assistants to physically bring in the data and then even more time logging information into your system. Keep your jobs moving with an integrated system that makes data logged on-site more reliable, accurate, and ready for interpretation right away.
Enhanced Reporting
Second, poise your ag retail business to be the provider of choice with reporting that validates your recommendations. Owens says, “Agvance Mapping reports have recently been enhanced and are not only excellent tools for making the right recommendations but, also help the retailer better communicate with the farmer.” New report enhancements include customizing reports with your company logo, and using customizable field data to print yield data, soil testing, and soil type reports.
Developing a historical database of mapped fields keeps your customers relying on you year after year. “With Agvance Mapping, agronomists make decisions based on integrated scouting, images, yield reports, adjustable zones, etc. to have the best data-driven seeding or application recs,” says Owens. For more information on Agvance Mapping, please complete the form below to request a demo.