Access to Everything They Need and Nothing They Don’t
Published on
23 Aug 2023
Not everyone in your business requires access to everything in your database. Whether it is to keep access tight for job focus or confidentiality, or alternatively expand access to share details with the team, the Agvance company administrator for your company has the control to set parameters.
Tightening or Granting Access
Reduce visual clutter by sharing only job-specific information with certain staff. When utilizing Agvance, your company administrator can manage the content each individual user can access. Each business determines its company administrators. Using the SKY Admin app, company admins provide access to SKY apps and features within SKY for company SKY users.
Access can be set independently for everyone so that each staff member can see just what they need to get their tasks done and not be distracted with information that isn’t within their job role. For example, when a company admin turns on access to SKY Analytics for a user, a choice is also made to toggle on or off each of the analytics-related features representing different tabs of dashboards as well. So, just because a user has access to an app does not mean that they have access to all features within that app. Access is customizable from person to person, giving the company a lot of flexibility and privacy control.
An added ability to set a group of permissions based on job roles is currently in development. So, watch for this future addition to allow the grouping of staff with similar permission needs. Learn more about SKY Admin on the Agvance Help Center.
Auto-Generating Reports to Share Data
So, once your company admin has set permissions so that the right staff can access the right data at any time, you will want to get key business metrics in their hands routinely. Autogenerated reports are the next level beyond providing access and ensuring important details are not missed. SKY Analytics users can schedule subscriptions from Agvance SKY Analytics so that dashboard reports arrive by email to themselves and others routinely, whether it be weekly, monthly, or another preferred timeline.
Learn how to save custom views so that staff can view data filtered for their function, create dashboards based on company roles to answer role-specific issues, and more at Agvance Analytics on the Agvance Help Center.
If you have any questions, please contact our Customer Support Team for assistance.