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Grower360: A Top Agricultural App for 2025

Published on

13 Jan 2025

Grower360 Renamed a Top Agricultural App for 2025!

SSI is thrilled to announce that the Agvance Grower360 app has landed on the Best Agriculture Apps list for 2025! This is the fourth year in a row that Grower360 has made it on the list. CropLife Magazine explains that the list of approximately 30 apps is compiled each year by CropLife Senior Online Editor Matt Hopkins after thorough research and evaluation of new or recently updated farming apps. Read the article and see the slideshow of the Best Agriculture Apps for 2025.

Grower360 Highlights and Popular Features

Grower360 is an online portal that ag businesses provide to give growers access to their accounts. The app gives growers access to cash bids, account balances, field maps and activity, scale tickets, blend tickets and the ability to make payments from the app.

The portal keeps growers informed and connected. Many businesses choose to strengthen their company brand with a custom-branded app and theme. Additionally, app notifications increase two-way communication between growers and retail staff.

“Several features of the app really make Grower360 stand out”, says Sara Thoele, SSI Product Manager, “popular features include the online payment feature with options to schedule a payment in the future, notifications upon new grain scale tickets, completed field applications, new invoices and statements. The ease at which growers can review agronomy field plans and approve or decline the plan, and a resource area for sharing files with growers elevates Grower360.” Additional highlights, according to Thoele, include the ability for growers to request an energy tank refill, order products, and electronically sign contracts. Growers also have access to several quick reports such as products purchased, volume statements, and grain reports.

Online Payments

Growers can use Grower360 to make payments on their account by ACH bank transfer or credit card based on payment choices established by the ag retail business. A popular feature with growers and appreciated by retailers is the ability to post the payment either the same day or schedule the payment to be posted on a future date. When opening the app an overview of recent activity displays and can be expanded to see all account activity and drill into details. This accessibility provides a clear understanding of invoices and payments.

File Sharing

Files can be made viewable in the grower portal. From Agvance SKY Customer, staff upload documents such as agronomy plans and maps and then select files to share. Growers will find the shared files in the Resources tab of Grower360. Sharing files increases retailer-to-grower communication contained within the grower portal eliminating separate emailing or printing that may have been needed previously to share documents.

Quick Reports

Another popular feature is the ability to run a quick report to monitor account activity. The Products Purchased area lists all products purchased within a given time frame and includes the ability to drill into details and export. Growers can also create their own Volume Statements, Delivered Grain reports, Assembly Sheet reports, and Grain bank statements.

Tank Refill Requests

If an energy tank is low, the grower can submit a request from Grower360 by selecting Energy from the navigation. The user can monitor details about multiple tanks, the estimated tank fill percentage, service dates and amount. Requesting a refill is quick and easy.

Approving Field Plans

Growers can monitor their field activity, and review, approve, decline, or propose new agronomy plans from Grower360. The grower can also indicate when a “Field is Ready” and check whether jobs have been completed and invoiced. Field details are available by location and can include current weather, split arrangements, tillage, satellite map imagery, boundaries, soil test history, and mapping layers.

Learn more: Grower360

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