Helping Your Growers with Carbon Reporting
Published on
18 Apr 2022
In this series, the first article What are Carbon Credits? addresses carbon credit brokers, carbon credits as a commodity, and industry impacts. The second article Carbon Credit Market: Benefits to the Farmer and Benefits to the Retailer considers the many benefits of carbon credits. This week, we offer suggestions for helping your growers with carbon reporting.
With increasing conversations about cover crops and no-till practices to sequester carbon in the soil rather than in the atmosphere what can you do to help your grower customers demonstrate they have captured carbon? Each field is unique and crop inputs and decisions vary greatly. Carbon is just another thing your customers are managing today when running an agriculture operation. Ag retailers have a great opportunity to maintain customer loyalty as growers rely on your expertise and data management to help them make decisions.
Providing Sound Advice
Till or no-till? This is an area your agronomists are familiar with discussing already. Tillage can impact planting, spraying, harvesting, and, of course, the yield. As noted in The Why, What and How: 3 Important Questions to Examine and Improve Tillage Practices from CropLife “documenting and measuring the effects of tillage practices is going to become more of a need-to-do versus a nice-to-do.” The article brings up some good points to consider as you advise tillage strategy.
Tools you can provide, such as mapping, scouting, and soil sampling help you deliver sound advice. By utilizing a fully integrated software tool with mobile data collection capabilities like Agvance SKY Mapping, you can document compaction, soil temp, and other environmental changes to help make the tough decisions. Data is available immediately to your full agronomy team to make recommendations that best suit each individual field.
Capturing the Data
As the saying goes, if it isn’t documented it didn’t happen. So, what can you do to help your growers have the documentation they need? Log data about eco-friendly farming practices in Agvance SKY. Collecting tillage data per field is helpful to your sales staff as they make recommendations for field inputs, while also providing value to farmers participating in credit programs. Collect data each season and archive historical environmental practices per field.
There are two entry points for recording tillage data in Agvance. In Customer, search by Customer and select Destinations from the left-hand navigation menu. Select the appropriate Field card, and then choose Edit Tillage. Select the checkbox for the appropriate Tillage Type, such as no-till, reduced, mulch, ridge, row cultivation, and more. Additionally, growers can also add or change the data for their own fields from Grower360.
To learn more about assisting your customers with carbon capture programs please talk to your Agvance Sales Manager or complete the form below.