It is a New Year! Best Way to Share Last Year's Metrics with Stakeholders
Published on
15 Jul 2021
2021 is here! For many companies, this means preparing a financial report and a 2020 summary for your stakeholders. Your leadership team needs metrics to make the best business decisions as you jump into 2021. The start of a new year is a great time to begin using an analytics tool that will keep your team in-the-know all yearlong.
Agvance SKY Analytics draws on your Agvance database and puts the data in easy to view dashboards. With SKY Analytics, you have the power to see data in new and exciting ways that really help you and your team understand the stories that data can tell.
SKY Analytics includes over 50 dashboards (and growing!) as well as the opportunity to customize your own dashboard. The dashboards make it easy to find the data. Displaying data on cards provides a clear overview at-a-glance, as well as the ability to dig deeper. The helpful overviews available on dashboards will help you and your stakeholders make better business decisions and save your company both time and money.
Feature Highlights
> Save stakeholders time by showing the data in easy, quick to digest formats.
> Favorite the dashboards you want to see routinely. Earn back all the time you used to spend searching for just the right Agvance report!
> Dynamically sort the data in a multitude of ways. Eliminate re-running reports with varied sort options.
> Easily modify the available dashboards or even create your own from scratch with the SKY Analytics authoring tool.
> Subscribe to your dashboards and notifications with links will automatically arrive in your Inbox.
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