Notifications Linking Growers and Ag Retailers Keeps Communication Flowing

Published on
10 Jan 2022
Your sales team, agronomists, and additional retail staff are vital players in your company’s journey to provide excellent customer service and cultivate sales. The customer communication methods to achieve that end goal are changing. While a face-to-face meeting is necessary and appreciated to develop relationships and sales, you might want to assess customer communication and personal touch enhancements by adding the latest technology, such as in-app notifications.
Keeping it Personal
Consider what technology your business can embrace to enhance your current communication, not replace it. Personal connections continually drive sales and provide the service your customers want. Those things should not be lost. The right technology connects the salesperson to the grower while putting the growers’ trust in the retailer as the grower accesses their past data and plans for the future. Technology enabling a salesperson to subscribe to notifications about their customers’ service requests keeps the connection personal. Customers then continue to expect interaction from their familiar salesperson with the benefit of new ways to communicate.
Data Creates the Bond
Beyond the people, data is what confirms the bond of a grower to your agribusiness. As they rely on you year after year, they stick around because they have sales assistance, access to their historical records, and can utilize their data to make future decisions. Customers are now familiar with grower portals and are ready to do more than view the data. They also want to act on it. As an industry leader, think about technology opportunities to seize that opportunity and help growers finalize a Plan for their field. Grower portals provide an avenue to complete the business, and notifications ensure everyone is well-informed to make it happen.
Agvance SKY Notifications
Notifications in Agvance SKY and the companion grower portal help communication easily flow between the grower and business. Each of your Agvance SKY users can decide which notifications they will receive based on selected parameters such as salesperson, location, or customer classification. By turning on the option for growers to view Plans in the grower portal, growers can review plans for that field, including a narrative description, order date, cost per acre, and the status of the Plan. The grower can then approve, decline, or comment on the Plan and alert their salesperson. Next, the retail user receives a notification when a grower communication is sent and can approve the Plan from the business end and proceed to provide the requested service.
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