Weather by Precise Location Valuable to Ag Retailers
Published on
15 Jul 2021
As an agriculture retailer, you make daily decisions about the scheduling of jobs for your customers over a large geographical area. Current and past weather conditions, precipitation, and forecasts play a huge part in those decisions. You need easy access to the weather at each location as you schedule jobs, dispatch applicators, determine deliveries, assist your customers, and generally do business. Agvance SKY has location-specific weather built in. There is no need to open another website or app. It’s right there to help you make the best decisions and save time. The same technology is also available to your customers in the grower portal.
SSI has partnered with The Weather Company by IBM for weather data in Agvance SKY. The Weather Company has an excellent reputation for accurate forecasts and brings to the table an extensive database of historical weather information. The weather information available throughout Agvance SKY applications includes temperature, humidity, wind direction, gusts, and the last 24-hours of precipitation. Radar precipitation is also available and includes the prior 4 hours of precipitation in 15-minute intervals.
Right-clicking on any point on the map in Agvance SKY Dispatch or Apply displays weather data for that precise location. Precipitation and radar layers can also be optionally toggled on. Keep an eye on the weather and make adjustments to your workload as needed all from the same app.
Agvance SKY Customer is the resource to answer your customer questions, check customer account status, create plans, blends, and orders. Again, the weather information is at your fingertips and built into the Customer app. In a customer’s account, view the field card and click Weather to display weather conditions for the specific location.
The accessible weather technology also extends to your growers or farmers as a valued piece of their grower portal. In Grower360, selecting View Field provides a view of the past 24-hour rainfall, current weather conditions, as well as, the precipitation forecast for the specific location.
Current Agvance customers may want to check out the recent newsletter article Field Specific Weather for links to our Community to learn more. View the video for a quick demo of weather throughout Agvance SKY. If you would like to request more information, please complete the form below.