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5 New Grain Dashboards to Explore

Published on

31 Jul 2023

Although the temperatures are sizzling for many parts of the country right now, harvest season preparations are gearing up or even beginning for some crops or locations. Agriculture businesses operating grain elevators can prepare by exploring the many grain-related analytic dashboards available in Agvance SKY.

Agvance users have access to over 100 dashboards in Agvance SKY Analytics that are useful to gauge performance, monitor trends, and view outliers. SSI continues to add more dashboards all the time. These dashboards are subdivided into menu categories to help find needed data. The Grain category is now approaching 20 dashboards with 5 of those just added in the last few months. So, now is the time to check out what is new in the Analytics app.

To integrate valuable Agvance data into each day, check your analytics dashboards often or schedule routine mailing of analytics reports to yourself or others by managing dashboard subscriptions. Choose between either summary or detailed style reports. Capture the company brand and style by formatting text in the reports and sharing them with stakeholders and staff.

Read all dashboard descriptions at SKY Analytics on the Agvance Help Center. Below are the five most recently added analytic dashboards in the Grain project. When using the Agvance SKY Analytics app, select Grain from the menu or search by dashboard name. Selecting the star will make a dashboard a favorite that will display at the top each time you open SKY Analytics.

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Grain Dashboards

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